by Josh Erb | editor: Jessica Nicholas, PhD Candidate in French | Josh Erb is a Senior in Global Studies. Josh is interested in many topics related to cultural heritage, policy and identity, and was attracted to Celtic languages in a class session devoted to language endangerment and the revitalization of insular regional minority languages in Europe (418). In this blog entry, he makes an inspiring plea for revitalizing the seriously endangered Celtic language of Manx. In 1974, Edward ("Ned") Maddrell, the last native speaker of Manx Gaelic, died . “So what?” you would be tempted to ask. Why should anyone be concerned with the loss of one language in a world that has approximately 6,500 or more? What significance does the loss of a man named Ned Maddrell and his mother tongue have for the rest of us? In our globalized world, we are often hard-pressed to find answers to these questions. This is especially true for those of us who were blessed with being native spe...